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ONVU Learning is a lesson capture platform that enables teachers and their coaches and peers to reflect accurately on their practice, making best use of the training that they receive from coaches and peers.


It uses unique technology to provide teaching staff with clear images and audio of their entire classrooms so that they can apply their insights to their chosen CPD activities.


ONVU Learning replaces the need for observers in the classroom, and allows teachers to securely share clips. This means that teachers and their collaborators will see for themselves what is really going on, without the risk of an ‘observer effect’ changing how a lesson goes. Clips from longer recordings can be created, shared through our secure cloud and reviewed collaboratively to help teaching staff get the most out of their development opportunities. You can find out more about the solution. Find out more about how it works here

Quite simply by making the community part of the decision. Video lesson capture is a powerful tool to support professional development programmes and thus children’s learning. When well-used, lesson capture replaces traditional lesson observation approaches with precise, actionable insights from high-definition video of classrooms. We encourage you to talk to stakeholders when deciding how to implement ONVU Learning in your education institution(s) so that they understand what you’re aiming to achieve.

When considering how to roll out ONVU Learning, leaders should tell parents, students and other non-user stakeholders about why and how. This need not be onerous but it is important to help your stakeholders understand the purpose of introducing ONVU Learning, the boost it will give to your teachers (and so students), and the security features that preserve teachers’ privacy i.e. this is for teachers’ development and will not be shared for other reasons (unless legally required).

Video lesson capture is proven to improve the effectiveness of CPD approaches in schools. Teaching involves the interplay of very complex systems, which video and audio recordings help to make simpler by seeing for yourself what’s gone on, alongside a defined set of aims.


ONVU Learning is a lesson capture platform that lets teachers see for themselves all of the things in lessons that might otherwise go unnoticed. Users can pinpoint Moments in time that they’d like to focus their reflections on. ONVU Learning complements CPD courses, programmes and in-house activities, providing teachers with a tool from which they can draw actionable insights that answer the questions being posed by their CPD programme.


ONVU Learning boosts long-standing CPD approaches by giving teachers this new ability to self-reflect and work collaboratively through the platform.

ONVU Learning can support your new CPD approach by providing teachers and their peers and coaches with our unique lesson capture platform. Being able to see for yourself those aspects of lessons that are both more obvious and that which might otherwise go unnoticed are amongst the most empowering aspects of ONVU Learning. For example, if you have teachers new to the profession (e.g. ECTs) then ONVU Learning can help them and their mentors more quickly arrive at insight driven decisions for how the ECT will move on in their teacher training. For more experienced teachers ONVU Learning can help pinpoint how and why their skills make the difference that they’re aiming for and reflect on why, perhaps even sharing with colleagues the how and why.

ONVU Learning is designed to provide secure access to recordings by defined users. Users are added to an educational institution’s ONVU Learning area by a defined Administrator. For further information on this please refer to our Security Statement


ONVU Learning processes data for customers (data controllers) on the basis that our customers (typically schools) are undertaking a public task in performance of their statutory duty. 


As a data processor ONVU Learning are duly registered with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) registration number ZA754036 as required under the Data Protection Act 2018.


In the context of data (recordings), ONVU Learning processes data under the lawful basis, as defined by UK GDPR,  that the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract. At times we depend on users consent for non-product function communications.


Where a customer’s basis for controlling data is different (e.g. a university undertaking initial teacher training), such customers should consult the latest guidance to determine their legal basis. In all cases, we encourage customers to complete a data protection impact assessment (e.g. What is a DPIA? | ICO) and undertake appropriate consultation with affected parties).

Our cameras are 360-degree cameras sited on a ceiling and capturing video footage of the entire classroom. We have unique technology that means that when you look at the image on our platform, you can zoom, pan and review the entire classroom in detail, from any angle you like. It captures much more than a phone or tablet camera so your users can see students and teachers at the same time.

We treat your security and safety as seriously as we treat our own. Our end-to-end system is securely installed in classrooms and does not allow third-party devices to potentially add security weaknesses to our solution.

ONVU Learning is an ‘end-to-end’ system that is owned and developed by ONVU Technologies and it has been developed with security and safeguarding at its heart. We have undertaken independent third-party security and governance reviews to ensure that we’re up-to-date with the latest approaches and secure against threats. Our data protection and safeguarding approaches go hand in hand with one another so that our team works in partnership with your own approaches. Our technology maintains its ISO9001 certification in order to keep up with the highest industry standards for internal processes and decision making. Recordings are first saved to the gateway storage located inside the classroom. That footage is encrypted and saved for 30 days before auto deleting to ensure data security. Clips created from original recordings are saved to the ONVU Learning cloud and will be kept for as long as it is needed.

ONVU Learning is designed to encourage teacher autonomy towards their CPD by identifying what works best for them and what could further enhance their skills and ultimately student outcomes. This may involve sharing ideas, clips and practice with colleagues.

Only the teachers who have been registered to use ONVU Learning in a classroom can access the footage from their rooms’ hardware. Footage is saved to their Albums for analysis keeping teachers in control of their videos. ONVU Learning doesn’t pose any higher risk to students or staff to any other typical approach to lesson review. Clips shared via the cloud have permissions limited to the user identified (by their email address) and that permission can be revoked at any time. Users must ensure that the person they intend to share a clip with is appropriate to receive it for the purpose of ONVU Learning’s use. ONVU Learning staff will never view footage unless it has been shared for a time limited and specifically authorised reason. Like every software system, your local administrators have super user access to your ONVU Learning environment for the purpose of administration.

We aim to deliver your ONVU Learning kit to your delivery address(s) within two weeks of completing your order. Your identified local administrator will receive a registration email at the same time which allows you to get started on adding users to your ONVU Learning environment. This grants access to teachers who will use the system in their rooms to get used to the platform, access our Knowledge Hub and become familiar with how you intend for ONVU Learning to work alongside your CPD approaches.

Our pricing model is designed to deliver the best value through a subscription-based approach, integrating hardware, software, and cloud solutions. Prices work on tiers depending on the number of classrooms set-up. Customers benefit from the leased use of our comprehensive package, which is supported under a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that ensures any issues, though unlikely, are resolved to our high standards throughout the contract period.

You can view and download the software license agreement for our product here. This document provides all the legal guidelines and usage terms for using our software. Please ensure you read it thoroughly before installation and use.

case studies

Read our success stories of how schools around the world are using ONVU Learning’s lesson observation and teacher reflection tools to improve their teaching standards and student outcomes.

A lesson capture solution, made simple.

Discover more about our lesson observation and teacher training solution.